5 years on . . .

In August it will be 5 years since planning permission was granted, the first major hurdle to be overcome towards building the long-envisioned community centre.  Producing the detailed design that residents would be happy with and securing funding to complete the build have been other challenges – not to mention a world pandemic and significant cost increases in materials thrown into the mix.  Nevertheless, with the dedication and hard work of Monmouthshire County Council councillors and officers, MUCH trustees and volunteers, the grant from People & Places Lottery and, of course, Kier Construction and its excellent workforce,  ‘The Hub’ is in its final stages of completion.  So, a big thank you to all the residents that have supported the project along the way and particularly those neighbouring the site that have endured the construction traffic coming and going.

So what happens next?  As the exterior wood cladding is fixed, the interior fittings are installed and the landscaping is progressed to completion, MUCH is working on an operation implementation plan, with the aim of fully opening to the public in September. This plan includes a new website, an on-line booking system, refreshments services, staff engagement, decorative artwork (including work of the local photographers) and many other requirements that are needed to ensure that The Hub meets the needs of our residents.  We have already had around 25 people enquiring whether they could run a class, group or activity once opened!  The plan also includes a ‘soft launch’ when we will arrange for groups of people (potential group leaders, the neighbouring residents, etc.) to take pre-opening tours.  We will also set the hire charges for the meeting rooms, halls and kitchen. More details on these arrangements will appear here in coming months.

Watch this space (and the Hub site)!


Supporting organisations –


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