End of January update . . .

Since my last update, at the beginning of the month, there are just a few things to report –

Members of the ‘Building & Grounds’ work-group met on the 3 Fields Site to gain a fuller understanding of the grounds and identify possibilities and issues that will need to be addressed. It was time well spent, with some matters found that require further attention; e.g. the exact extent of the knot-weed growth that is undergoing treatment, a couple of dead apple trees, in the orchard field, that will have to be removed before they fall and the state of repair of the south side perimeter fence.

On the 23 January, a few of the Trustees (designate), met with Deb Hill Howells, MCC’s Head of Commercial and Integrated Landlord Services, to update her on progress with the Constitution, the MUCH charity formation, the lottery bid development and other financial opportunities.  The meeting was very productive, with actions being identified, including Deb putting a ‘summary paper’ to MCC’s cabinet in March, that will look for further endorsement of the project and approach being taken,

The ‘Ideas Bank’ has been further updated and more people have come forward and said they would like to run classes or social groups in The Hub when it is built.  If you think you might like take advantage of the facility and run something, please let us know soon as possible, as it will help with our business planning and put you on our ‘list’ on our possible activities to be run at The Hub.
