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Although progress had been slightly impeded with the resignation of two of our committee members, work has continued with the application to become a charity and gathering all the necessary information needed to support that. Thanks to Sian King, one of our ‘active supporters’ and Jo Gillard of GAVO for doing this. We have a meeting with Paul Matthews (CEO of Monmouthshire County Council), next week, hopefully to tie up a few loose ends concerning the tenure of the Three Fields Site; information needed for the charity application. Becoming a charity enables us to seek funding from the ‘Big Lottery’ and other sources.
During the month, a few members of the group met with Chris Harris of the Living Levels Scheme, who had expressed interest in our Hub project. The Scheme wishes to interact with all community groups in the levels area as it aims to reconnect people and communities to the Gwent Levels landscape and provide a sustainable future for this historic and unique area. The meeting, which included a tour of the Three Fields Site, was extremely valuable and it was agreed that our two organisations can work together for mutual benefit.
That’s it for this month. Hopefully more to report next month.