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As Autumn approaches, and having announced the intention to commence The Hub build project, Monmouthshire County Council held its first stakeholders meeting on 25th August. As MUCH trustees, we learnt that MCC had appointed Kier Group Construction as the prime contractor, who had now laid out the project plan timetable. It identifies that the preliminary stages of the project (site survey and detailed design work) are about to start, with construction expected to commence in March 2022 and build completion expected in the following Autumn.
The MUCH group have continued to consult with its funding officer in the National Lottery Community Fund, with regard to submitting The Hub business case, as the Second Stage of the lottery process. Feedback was positive and so, working with the Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations (GAVO) representative, the application was submitted on 27th August. We hope to secure a sum of money to help with any shortfall in funding that might arise and to contribute to the purchase of equipment for the building. A decision on the application is expected in October.
As part of the business case, we highlighted the results of the community consultations carried out via surveys in 2016 and again in 2019/20. We also stated that we would continue to engage with the community to check that requirements are still as previously identified or if any new ones have emerged (particularly as a result of the pandemic). To do this, a short ‘SurveyMonkey’ questionnaire has been designed which takes only a few minutes to complete. If you haven’t already seen it, please can you complete this new survey by clicking here.
Finally, since the easing of social-distancing, it has been decided to hold a full MUCH meeting to which all previous supporters and any residents who have an interest are invited. The meeting, which will provide an opportunity to seek answers to any questions people may have about The Hub build project, is on Wednesday 8th September, 7pm, at the Golden Lion (Function Room).
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