Rabbiting on . . .

As progress continues with finalising the internal detailed design and build project plans (see recent presentation here) – more on that in a moment – the team have been working on maintaining the orchard and the surrounding green area.  The last of the apple trees that needed to be replaced is underway, along with the completion of the labelling of the apple trees.  The orchard information board is now in place (seen here with Beccy Williams from the Living Levels project), alongside the carved apple seat. Some recent rabbit damage to the apple trees has also been treated and new protective netting put in place. 

Also, to get ahead with the general landscaping, a range of new trees, including cherry, walnut and alders, are being purchased and planted on the site, to allow them to establish while the building work of the hub progresses.  In addition, it is hoped  that a commemorative oak tree will be planted, in recognition of the challenges placed on our community through the COVID pandemic.  Incidentally, on a more disappointing note, there are some inconsiderate locals who exercise their dogs on the site and fail to clean up their pets’ mess.  Kevin has placed some signs on the site to ‘remind’ people to act accordingly!

I know our local councillors have been contacting various local groups, and placing posters in various public areas, to get input to the final look and feel of the internal designs.  If you can, please feed back in order that the building, as far as possible, meets the requirements of our community.

More information on the design next month.


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