Last month I outlined the next steps with the plan to build The Hub, but the build itself was still subject to approval by Monmouthshire County Council Cabinet on the 27th July. I am now delighted to confirm that Cabinet gave their approval for the project to commence and for it to be leased to MUCH, on its completion, to operate it on behalf of the community. You can watch the Cabinet discussion by clicking here and going to the start of the item which begins at around 1 hour and 23 minutes in.
On the weekend before the Cabinet meeting, the Three Fields Site was accessed by a number of ‘travellers’ with caravans, as the site had been left insecure after damage to the height-restricting entrance. They left almost as quickly as they arrived but not before causing some damage to the ‘slow worm fencing’.
The entrance has now been repaired (many thanks to local firm R&R Site Services Ltd.) and Heras fencing will be installed, between the carpark and the field, week commencing 1/8/22.
So, all being well, as mentioned previously, the carpark will be closed off from Tuesday 30th August and construction will start on 19th September. Further information and notices will be placed over coming weeks.
MUCH trustees and volunteers will now start the process of developing and implementing an ‘operational plan’ so that we are up and ready to run in about a year’s time. If you feel you have skills that could help with this, and would like to get involved as a volunteer, please contact me on 07484 643454.
Many thanks.
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