We completed the third and final presentation of the draft plans of the Hub and the Three Field Site to residents this morning. There were around 50 people who called in to the Baptist Chapel Hall today and over the 3 days a total of around 100 came and gave their opinion on the proposals.
Overall the feedback was a very positive and supportive with a number of good ideas being put forward together with some constructive criticism. Also a number of people said they wanted to get actively involved with the project and possibly the running of the Hub when built.
The feedback will now be analysed and a summary will be published here soon, along with images of the plans.
If you didn’t get a chance to complete the “Engagement Feedback Form” you can download one from the documents section of this website and either email it or send it to Ben Thorpe at –
Ben Thorpe, MCC (Estates Department), County Hall, Rhayder, Usk, NP15 1GA
Can I thank everyone who attended and took time to give their opinion. It is greatly appreciated.